What is Whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is when someone raises a concern about a dangerous or illegal activity or any wrongdoing within their organisation.
Raising a concern is known as "blowing the whistle" and is a vital process for identifying risks to people's safety.
We are committed to the safety and security of all children at all times whilst in our care, equally, we are committed to the safety and security of all staff at all times. Therefore, we recognise the issues and concerns relating to reporting concerns regarding the care and welfare of the children.
Sharing information or talking through a concern can be the first step to helping an organisation identify problems and improve their practices.
At Wixams Tree Primary Academy, whistleblowing applies to all those who work at the school in a paid or unpaid capacity, whether:
- employed (full-time or part-time)
- subcontracted to deliver a service to a school
- working as a consultant
- employed through an agency
- volunteer If you have a whistleblowing concern, you are encouraged to notify us of the same as soon as is practicably possible
Anyone who discloses a concern will be given assurance of confidentiality as far as practically possible, without jeopardy to any investigations by external authorities or our own investigation.
The types of activity that should be disclosed include, but are not limited to the following:
- the physical, emotional or sexual abuse of pupils or staff
- financial maladministration
- unauthorised use of School funds
- fraud and corruption
- failure to comply with legal obligations
- endangering of an individual’s health and safety
- damage to the environment
- a criminal offence
- failure to follow financial and contract procedure rules
- showing undue favour to a contractor or a job applicant
- miscarriages of justice
- deliberate concealment of information relating to any of the above
- concerns about the professional practice of competence of colleagues, other members of staff or other workers.
If staff have a concern about anyone working in a paid or unpaid capacity at the school they should report it to the Designated Safeguarding Lead/Headteacher. Complaints about the Headteacher should be reported to the Chair of Governors.
All concerns will be listened to and taken seriously by the school. If you are in any doubt as to whether a concern is valid, you should report it and the school can decide to what extent it needs to be investigated.
All concerns will be treated in confidence, and the school is committed to protecting the identity of whistleblowers as far as is possible. However, in some circumstances it may not be possible to do this, for example, if it will prevent a thorough investigation taking place, if there is reason to reveal the name by law, or the whistleblower has to give evidence at any hearings.
You can also contact the Whistleblowing Advice Line:
- Telephone: 0800 028 0285
- Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
You can find out more about whistleblowing on the GOV.uk website.