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Wixams Tree Primary Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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Computing Progression Map 2021-2022

The Computing Curriculum allows all children to learn about the important area of ‘Programming’. There are many games and apps that children are already familiar with at home that allow them to develop their programming skills at a very early age. We build on these skills and the children learn to create algorithms where they create a sequence of instructions to make ‘something happen’. In Computing, pupils interact with age-appropriate computer software for particular purposes.

In Key Stage 1, they learn basic skills of creating, organising, and storing, manipulating and retrieving digital content. As they progress into Key Stage 2, pupils learn to work more independently, selecting, using and combining a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices. When applying ICT in society, all pupils learn to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and identify where to go for support when they have concerns about the internet/other online technologies.

In Key Stage 2, the pupils learn about computer networks; how they provide multiple services and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. E-safety is regularly addressed at the Academy.

Online Safety Policy
